15.00 USD
Pink Apatite Crystal with Albite
Lemon Yellow Glow
Dimensions (mm): 30 x 20 x 15
Dimensions (inches): 1.2 x .75 x .6
Origin: Huanza Tal, Gilgit District, Pakistan
*********The first photo shows the fluorescence when exposed to shortwave ultraviolet light "black light". Please note that the short wave light is not the same as the black light bulbs, those are long wave. If you are interested you can buy the special lamp at various online shops. The light I prefer is branded "way too cool lights"********
*****Fluorescence and radioactivity are not the same thing, they are separate distinct physical properties. This stone is not radioactive.
Some radioactive minerals fluoresce some do not. Many non-radioactive minerals fluoresce. ****
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