28.00 USD
Creepy crawly! Jeepers creepers...where did you get those eyes? All eight of them!
Get your spider on for halloween in this delightful spider hat. With purple pipe cleaner legs jutting and dangling from the top of the hat, you will trick or treat every bit of candy into your bag. Ticketybootique uses sewn on hook and loop fasteners for the safest and easiest way to dress your pet and to reduce choking hazards.
Comes in two sizes:
Small for kittens, breeds of cats with smaller heads like Cornish Rex, Peterbald, and Sphynx
Large for domestic shorthair and longhair cats of an average head size.
If your pet has a larger size head, please contact the shop for a custom size.
This is a limited quantity listing and will not be renewed when sold out!