300.00 USD
Beautiful gemmy Orange Amber Color Calcite Crystal Mineral Specimen Very large Crystal Cluster
A true collector specimen
Weight: 935 grams/ over 2 pounds
Dimensions (mm): 120 x 80 x 100
Dimensions (inches): 4.72 x 3.15 x 3.94
Origin: from the famous classic mineral location Elmwood Mine, Carthage, Tennessee
This lovely vintage mineral specimen was mined in the late 70's/early 80's.
Many attempts have been made to go back into the Elmwood mine for mineral specimens all to be thwarted by economic conditions. It is a tremendously expensive mine to operate and the current owner do not allow mineral collecting. A few specimens "crept out" in 2010-2011 but that was met with swift action of absolute no tolerance from the current owners. The mine is a zinc mine.
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Please note I list dimensions in millimeters (mm) and inches, not centimeters. Millimeters are jewelry industry standard and for consistency I use millimeters in all listings.