26.00 USD
Blue Mineral Collection
5 Unique Minerals all properly labeled with Name and Mining Location
Raw wrapping stones, cutting rough, talisman
Back row:
Blue Calcite from Mexico 30 x 20 mm, 1.2 x .75 inches
Chalcopyrite "Peacock ore" from Arizona 45 x 35 x 10 mm, 1.8 x 1.4 x .4 inches
Blue Quartz from Pennsylvania 50 x 30 x 20 mm, 2 x 1.2 x .75 inches
Front Row:
Lazulite with Kyanite and Pyrite from Georgia 40 x 25 x 20 mm, 1.6 x 1 x .75 inches
Azurite from Mexico 35 x 30 x 10 mm, 1.4 x 1.2 x .4 inches
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